Aftercare Support Services
The most important part of your long-term recovery will begin when you leave rehab.
It is an unfortunate reality that approximately 85% of people that attempt to stop using a substance or quit an addictive behavior will experience a relapse. This does NOT mean that relapse is an inevitability or even a likelihood. Relapse is a gradual process that happens in distinct and predictable phases.
The aftercare support services at Anker Huis are designed and coordinated by mental health practitioners with many years of experience in the treatment of addiction. The objective is to guide and support you as you build the foundations of a sober life and to help you detect and reverse the early signs of a relapse.
We are committed to helping our clients achieve meaningful recovery in order to reintegrate into a happy and healthy lifestyle that is sustainable in the long run. This sustainable foundation must be laid for successful ongoing rehabilitation and recovery, with reliable relapse prevention and accountability.
Anker Huis offers 12 months of free aftercare support services.
We are committed to comprehensive care in addiction and mental health
Quite often the addict will feel isolated, trapped by their addiction and unable to communicate with their family and friends. While they may feel isolated and separate from others, the consequences of their addiction are not.
We employ a flexible approach in our residential addiction treatment, placing the individual and their specific needs and capacities at the center of the individual treatment plan. Our minimum programme duration is 30 days.
Committed to comprehensive care in addiction and mental health
Thriving isn’t about requiring the world around us to be exactly as we want it to be. Its about creating pathways of connection to our inner resources that enable us to handle whatever the word throws our way